Grandmother Memories

I have a green bag that’s been sitting in my ‘hairdressing cupboard’.

It’s been there with all the bits and bobs in there for well over a year now.

Today, I was going to sort through it and throw away anything I no longer needed or used.

I wasn’t prepared for the scent that greeted me as I opened the bag and gazed upon all these hair curlers.

Both of the beautiful ladies whose hair I used to set have not long since died.

One of them was my grandmother.

When the scent hit my nose, my memories were activated.

Every week I used to go round and set her hair (once she wasn’t strong enough to get out to the hairdressers in town).

I enjoyed our Wednesday mornings.

What precious time that was.

I wasn’t hugely close with my Gran previously. Not in the way I knew her in the last two years leading up to her death.

That two years of her decline was a time of transition in many ways. She became vulnerable and thankfully she let me in. I got to know the women she truly was deep down. We had many similarities which neither of us had realised before and we shared comfort and joy in discovering them.

I understood many of her ways in the end. I understood and she knew I did.

I saw her nearly every day for those two years.

My work life nearly grounded to a halt and she and my grandfather often has me and my mother running round in circles; but when my granny died, there came a sense of pride and satisfaction that I squeezed so much in to those last two years.

It is often what happens in life. You don’t always get a chance to be close to those you love. And sometimes it’s them stopping it. For what ever reasons it is, sometimes it’s hard to unlock the reasons and sometimes it better to just let it be.

For my gran, she became poorly. Very poorly. And we nursed and cared for her as much as we possibly could till the very end.

And at the end, after a 5 day vigil beside her bedside she made her final transition and began her journey back toward the Divine.

And she’s been with me ever since.

I am sure she is all around all of us, my family.

Her death was one of the most powerful and poignant experiences of my life.

It was hard and harrowing , it was long, drawn out and full of sorrow. It was also beautiful, sacred and a time of love. A time where we all gathered together sharing stories, laughter, tears and smiles round her bedside. We came together and filled her home and her final days with her daughters, her grandchildren and her great grandchildren.

Every day we turned up, working in shifts and making sure she was never alone.

We touched her and stroked her and spoke to her.

We filled her room with pink flowers and I placed a special sphere of Rose Quartz by the window. The room was decluttered and clean and so the sacred and beautiful last journey began.

I am so grateful that first moment she took to her bed and I got to her side she told me “you know I love you don’t you?”

Telling anyone she loved them wasn’t words that came easy to my Gran. These were also the last things she ever said to me.

After her death, which words I cannot find to write here in this space , I was privileged to be shown and taught how to clean my beautiful granny’s body and lay her out. Me and my mother did it together. A very special time for my mother and me. To spend the time lovingly cleaning and preparing her body in such a way will stay with me for the rest of my days. We brushed her hair and kissed her cheeks. We stroked her hands and tucked her in. And she really did look so peaceful.

Gone was the red angry pain that was etched onto her face over the last year. All that fell away and peace really did come.

I don’t think I’ll be sorting out the bag after all.

I feel like in this bag is the captured time spent setting her hair in her kitchen.

I’ve tied a knot to keep it all there instead 💗🙏🏻✨

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Everyone has different ideas to what success means to them.

I feel it’s a really good exercise to check in with your inner self (higher self) regularly to ask yourself this question.

⁃ What does success mean to you?

Throughout our lives, our ideals and wants change.

Many times I come across people and myself also at times, that is feeling dissatisfied with where I they are at.

Oftentimes, for me It’s because I’ve got caught up in what ‘everyone ‘ else is doing and their ideals and purposes and I have to stop myself and think, but do I really truly want to be living their life anyway?? Er.. no I don’t!!

Staying true to you is not an easy path in this age of media coverage on everyone’s lives for us to access and see regularly.

What truly makes you feel successful in life?

Is it when you look at your children and know you have done everything possible to be a good parent?

Or do you feel successful that you are a kind loyal friend?

Or you achieved something today in your work that you haven’t accomplished before?

There are many successes in life and it’s time we celebrated them all.

It’s also really important that we go through life without judgment for another persons path.

While some may feel their success will only come with being financially stable or perhaps even when one has a book deal or their name up in lights.. another may feel successful in a quiet perhaps more simple fashion.

What ever it is that sets your soul on fire to me is a success.

Finding your life’s purpose and living it authentically is success.

Living a life full of those things that make you happy is successful.

That musing aside, this card may come forth to encourage that the success you are seeking is round the corner.

It is reminding you to continue to hold a vision of the outcome you desire and step forward boldly and confidently.

For what you strive for is in reach.

Be proud of all your hard work and dedication.

The fruits of your labours are nearly at your finger tips.

Surrender and let it come.

Most importantly, remind yourself that you have in you all you need to achieve a fulfilled and happy life.

The power lies in the way you think.

Go forth and with gratitude in your heart and thoughts of positive will and you will consciously attract joy, love and abundance in to your life.

You deserve to succeed.


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Teaching Reiki 🤲🏻

After many years practicing, learning and using this beautiful Universal life force energy for the healing of myself and others, I have finally completed the final grade of the Usui Reiki with my Reiki Master and mentor Anna Gatland.

The Third Degree Master Teacher certification ables me to teach this natural healing modality to others; Which is something I have always strived for.

Here’s to life with all its pure love and life lessons. 🥂

Here’s to the universal life force energy and the doors it opens for us all. 🥂

🌷May we all be blessed each day of our lives🌷

Thank you thank you thank you 💓✨🙏🏻

I shall very much look forward to integrating some Reiki workshops into my work in the near future.

If Reiki calls to you, in any way shape or form… get in touch to start your own ‘holistic journey’ 🤲🏻

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Eyes of the Tree

I was standing in the woods a while ago, not feeling good, for reasons of not any great matter but making me feel stressed and discontent all the same.

I started the walk with stiffness of soul but could feel it easing as I walked… I stopped by a tree, a small thin trunk compared to that of the big Oak for example.

I held on with one hand and gazed up at the calm green canopy of still leaves.

Only wonder filled me.

How must it feel to be a tree? So wise and strong and still.

Then, I looked at the small trunk my hand was still wrapped around and one of the knots caught my eye and in that spilt second all the knots I could see were eyes.

And I felt in that moment that it was a message for me.

Third 👁.


Deep knowing.

Connection between spirit and nature.

I called Oliver back so he could see and I shared what had come to me.

We walked through the woods pointing out all the eyes we could see everywhere. Suddenly so prominent and obvious.

It’s feels quite clear to me.

I need to listen more; In the stillness beneath the canopy of leaves.

I need to listen to the deeper calls of my soul, the wisdom of nature and all that it wants to teach me.

Or rather, show me what I already once knew.

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Plaster generation?

So often we are the “plaster” generation.

Always seeking to find a quick fix to feel better, pop a pill, down a drink, shopping spree, food binge, most of which numbs the problem that stays there lurking. Ready to rise again and hurt.

I found this poem and I love it because it simply puts the beliefs of the holistic world together really nicely.

I don’t necessarily think it’s our thoughts that cause us ‘dis ease’ although I feel we can attract to our lives more of what we think, so the art of controlling your thoughts is definitely important to ourselves, but it’s for sure the emotional traumas that we go through throughout our childhoods and later lives that we suppress (to survive) that in turn manifest into dis – ease within the body.

And there is no quick fix!

Time and dedication for the love of thy self !

It’s a journey not a destination.

It’s commitment.

It’s patience.


It’s finding a modality that feels good for you.

A modality or two or three!

Enjoy it!

Open your heart and soul and bravely seek to give your body permission to release all that no longer serves you.

It’s not always pretty when things come up, sometimes you might feel quite ill, but this is even more of a reason to keep.On.Going!

Release, release, release!

Find a healer your happy to work with.

A good healer will support you in healing YOURSELF.

Be it a Reflexologist , Yoga teacher, Reiki practitioner/energy worker, Homeopath, Life coach, Meditation guided practice or whatever, the work and commitment to your body is your responsibility.

What you put in you get out 🙌🏻 And commit!

The Holistic approach often gets brushed aside but the world is waking up.

We are beings of many layers. A holistic approach is treating the person as a “whole”.

I like to think of myself as a whole don’t you?!

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One of the first therapies I fell in love with was Reflexology.

For me, I have to experience and see results in what I do before I can happily use them in my holistic practise.

I saw results on myself during my college period and that coupled with the fascinating workings of the reflex points on the feet, it had me hooked.

On a Friday last summer I had a beautiful pregnant muma come to me asking for help with bringing labour on… naturally!

Third child and ‘normal for her’ late, although totally calm and trusting that her body and baby was in control she was keen to dodge an induced labour and so turned up and had a Reflexology treatment.

Focusing on the areas in and around the womb …. this was the result.

I Love feedback like this. It completely reignites my passion.

Welcome to the world new little human!

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We are all Healers

We are all healers.


Even you.

No, I’m not talking to anyone behind you.


Those hands of yours, look at them.

They hold an ancient gift as natural as the sun circling the earth.

We all have that power within us.

It’s not wrong if we don’t feel we want to unleash it and spend our time healing others.. hell no.

The world needs diversity it’s what makes the world go round.

But one thing we should all take responsibility for is healing ourselves.

The phrase “heal yourself, heal the world” holds a very deep truth.

There are many people like myself who feel called upon and take great pleasure from spending our time helping others on their journey to self healing.

I never claim to heal: I claim to help YOU heal.

To support you on your journey.

I don’t claim to be a goddess of light – I claim to be a human full of cracks with the light within me shining through all my scars that I’ve collected over the years.

I claim to be real and genuine.

My journey can only be described as one that escalates in a positive way and then stops , stagnant.

Sometimes instead of stopping I crash further down then when I started and then I grow, back on the escalator to the happy heavens.

It is those stagnant times I find the most challenging.

It in these times people loose the faith, they get bored, they don’t see the results they need to keep on going.

They start wondering if it’s all been worth it?

Where are they supposed to be going, not knowing which way to turn.

I have been there enough times now to know deeply what it’s like to loose your way.

And neither be drowning in despair or surrounded in inspiration ; but knuckle down, because the universe has a way of throwing you a curve ball when you least expect it.

Find the courage to stick to your ground work.

Cherish the calm waters and seek to know yourself from within while you wait to see what’s happening next.

Either strengthening your ‘self’ for any crashes and challenges that may come calling or strengthening those wings of yours ready for take off.

Crashes are inevitable, the dark of life is tough.

It’s heartbreaking, it’s hell on Earth.

Sadly some people don’t make it but you can.

You’re stronger then you think and as always after a storm the light shines so very bright and the lessons masked in those darkest times are the most influential of all.

Self love is not just about loving your human body and taking time out to treat yourself, its about looking at those hands of yours and knowing you have the ability to start healing yourself from a deep place within and knowing that by vibrating on a higher level you will be making the world a better place.

Take responsibly for You.

There is a journey of self discovery waiting.

Now, back to those wonderful hands of yours.

– Reiki is a wonderful tool to help you on your journey. You too have the ability to start your healing from a deep level by unlocking the universal Reiki energy that already resides within you and by placing your hands on your body you will begin a truly life changing journey.

For me, I have found Yoga to be a wonderful tool in my journey too.

I struggle with meditation in a still setting so yoga is my go to moving meditation now.

Music candles incense.

There is something about the slow flow of yoga that concentrates on the feel of your body as it moves and stretches and in turn releases blockages of emotions and tension throughout your body.

I highly recommend.

That’s said though, I tried this practice twice before years ago and it wasn’t the time in my journey for me as I didn’t relate to it at all.

So if you try it or anything for that matter and it doesn’t feel good to you, go and try something else.

And maybe like me if it’s meant to be it will come back to you when you need it.

Spend your time on this journey finding what makes you feel good, find a therapist you feel at ease with; one you trust to hold you in your space while you heal.

Everyone is different and there is not one person for all, a good therapist will want you to find the right person for you, whether it’s her/him or not.

Most important, have faith and trust in YOU.

May the light always guide you,

Sophie xx

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This is a gorgeous card that comes forth as a good clear reminder that as you go along in life you grow. Not just physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

This card shows a beautiful Rose growing towards the light, pouring down from the Divine, the Source.

Beside it, two tiny little Angel fairy’s/ light beings are at the Roses side encouraging it to grow, lovingly.

This card could have many meanings to you. Perhaps you are experiencing some real lows in your life and so this card may have a message of faith.

Faith that all that is happening to you and around you is happening as it should for your highest growth as a spiritual being in a human body!

Embrace life’s experiences without judgement and draw strength that you can and will see the light and better times ahead.

Sometimes this card may come forth as a nudge that it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and the growth you need to excel is waiting for you round the next corner.

Take a deep breath; what are you waiting for? What does your heart and soul need? What’s your calling here on Earth? What are you afraid of?

It’s worth noting here that not all growth comes from ‘doing’.

Sometimes, it’s about letting go, making sacrifices or setting boundaries. Making choices with yourself as a priority instead of others.

Take your next steps , trust and have faith.

May the light always guide you on,

Sophie xxx

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A February Crocus

Here is a beautiful Crocus wide open with its petals outstretched; welcoming in the sun.

Our hearts and minds are pretty much like this.

When we open our hearts the sunshine can touch and warm places that can only be reached when we are open and willing to receive.

It’s vulnerable position but also the most rewarding.

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